What Should I Do With All This Mint?
When we moved into our home, the previous homeowner left us with a garden box that was overrun with mint. The advice we got from everyone who noticed it was to remove the mint before it became unmanageable. Since I am one who could never throw a living plant away, I opted to find a way to keep the mint, and keep it contained. My vision was to place other herbs in the planter box with the mint, keeping it from invading the space of other plants and choking out other herbs in the garden. I know what you’re thinking right now…won’t the mint take over every area of the garden?
Knowing how aggressive mint can be, I kept it from spreading
by placing it in a plastic pot, using a throw away pot that I saved after
purchasing a perennial at the garden store. It has holes for drainage, but is
sturdy enough to hold up against the tenacious root growth and expansion that
mint can present.
1) Plant mint in a sturdy plastic
pot (this one is clay colored, black pots are a good option to blend with the color of the soil)
2) Dig a hole in the ground or
planter box, or area you wish the mint to grow
Water well after transplanting and in the summer growing months
In late fall - mint that is transplanted into a planter can be returned to the
ground in its pot during winter to protect the roots from getting too cold and
allowing them to receive some moisture during the coldest months of the season
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